Living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, known as OCD, can be incredibly challenging. Without treatment, it can have considerable, even debilitating effects on an individual’s daily life. This is why it’s crucial for those struggling with compulsions or diagnosed with OCD to get the best, most effective treatments possible.
We’re going to take a look at just what OCD is, and what it may look like in common forms. Then we’ll take a look at some of the most common and effective treatments that can be obtained from leading treatment facilities.
What Is OCD?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a severe form of anxiety disorder that is marked by repeated, alternative, obsessive thoughts that are often accompanied by repeated and compulsive behaviors. OCD can become serious enough to completely inhibit an individual’s ability to function in their daily lives in any meaningful fashion. It can make attending school or holding a job incredibly difficult and can make healthy interpersonal relationships almost impossible.
Symptoms Of OCD
There are many indications that someone may be living with OCD, and they can generally be separated into compulsions and obsessions. Below are some of the most common compulsions and obsessions that are seen in those struggling with OCD.
- Excessive, meticulous cleaning
- Excessive hand-washing
- Arranging possessions deliberately and becoming upset with alteration
- Repeatedly checking things like the stove and the lights
- Fear of touching or being touched by others
- Counting and ordering
- Task repetition
- Hoarding that stems from the fear of losing important items
- Fear of contamination
- Order, symmetry
- Aggression at the alteration of arrangement or routine
- Elevated awareness of bodily functions
- Fixations that can become problematic
What Is The Best Treatment For OCD?
When looking for the best treatment for OCD it’s going to be crucial to remember that everyone’s brain is different, and what works for one person may be entirely ineffective for another. For this reason, finding out what the best treatment for OCD will be is a highly personal journey. Here are some of the common treatments.
Exposure Response Prevention
Exposure response prevention is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT, that is designed to help the individual recognize their intrusive or destructive thought patterns in real time. The mechanism behind it is related to how you and your brain confront the fears that are actively driving the intrusive thoughts.
While it may not seem like something that can be easily medicated, in many cases that is exactly what can happen. One of the most effective methods of controlling intrusive and problematic thought patterns is medication. A very popular class of drugs that can help manage OCD are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. They are technically an antidepressant, it has a very positive effect on the neurotransmitters and the central nervous system, and helps limit the excessive and often circular thoughts sent by the brain.
Combination Treatments
Sometimes the right treatment is a mixture of both traditional behavioral psychotherapy and medication options. The only way to find out for sure is to talk to a professional and have an in-depth evaluation done, so you know what you can expect from your potential treatment plan.
Casa Recovery Can Be Your OCD Therapy Partner
If you or someone you know has been suffering from OCD or other anxiety-related disorders, speaking with a professional can be the best way to learn how to manage the symptoms of the disorder. Casa Recovery is one of the area’s leading providers of emotional and psychological treatments helping you heal. Casa Recovery can work with you to create the ideal, personalized treatment plan. Reach out today to speak with a local specialist about getting started.