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PTSD / Trauma Treatment


How Casa Recovery Treats Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & Trauma

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD for short) is a psychiatric disorder that is characterized by a traumatic event that the sufferer has experienced- whether that be a traumatic incident, an accident, a violent assault, war, or a host of other experiences.​

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is typically attributed to war veterans; however, many other people currently suffer or have suffered from the disorder. Symptoms of PTSD include avoiding any reminders of the event, intrusive thoughts that bring you back to the event, and overarching negative thoughts and feelings. It is considered normal to have these types of symptoms immediately following an event, however PTSD is characterized by these symptoms lasting a month or longer. These symptoms can take over someone’s life and make it difficult to carry on in society, which is why treatment and recovery should be taken seriously.


Get Help for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Orange County

PTSD is very commonly linked with substance abuse, with sufferers turning to alcohol or drugs to self-medicate their illness. Because PTSD is a chronic condition, this means the person is likely to experience its effects for many years, often a lifetime. Unless the person seeks specialist mental health treatment for PTSD, their condition will deteriorate and worsen.

Treatment for PTSD is centered on finding the causes of the illness. Cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT is an evidence-based approach to unraveling the root causes of mental illnesses like PTSD. In a CBT session, the therapist guides the client to the deepest recesses of their minds in order to identify problems relating to past events. By understanding the drivers of PTSD, it is possible to address them by adapting the way the person thinks and ultimately behaves.

Mental health treatment is designed to help people live with mental health conditions like PTSD. There is no cure for PTSD and it should never be suggested that is the case. It is however very possible to enjoy a happy and fulfilling life when armed with effective coping mechanisms learned in therapy. Casa Recovery develops personalized mental health treatment programs in Orange County to meet your unique needs to promote the best recovery outcomes.

Symptoms and Signs of PTSD

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a PTSD diagnosis requires each of the following categories of symptoms for at least one month:

  1. One re-experiencing symptom
  2. One avoidance symptom
  3. Two arousal and reactivity symptoms
  4. Two cognition and mood symptoms

The following is a breakdown of the four categories of symptoms:

#1. Re-experiencing Symptoms

  • Flashbacks
  • Nightmares
  • Intrusive, scary thoughts

#2. Avoidance Symptoms

  • Evasion of thoughts or emotions related to the trauma
  • Evasion of people, places, or things related to the trauma

#3. Arousal and Reactivity Symptoms

  • Feeling tense or irritable
  • Responding in angry outbursts
  • Being hypervigilant to surroundings
  • Difficulties sleeping and concentrating
  • Increased reactivity and startle response

#4. Cognition and Mood Symptoms

  • Loss of interest in hobbies
  • Detachment from oneself or reality
  • Intense emotions like sadness, guilt, or blame
  • Negative thoughts about oneself or the world
  • Poor recall or lack of memory regarding key aspects of the event
Become Educated on PTSD

Why Do Some People Develop PTSD?

In the United States, trauma is relatively common, but PTSD is not. There are several reasons some people develop PTSD and others do not. One reason is biological sex. Other biological and environmental risk factors for the development of PTSD include:
  • Genetics
  • Childhood adversities
  • Lack of social support
  • Pre-existing mental illness
  • Low socioeconomic status
  • Pre-existing substance use disorder
  • Nature and the severity of the trauma

Why You Should Get Help

PTSD can be very painful and disruptive to endure day-in and day-out.​

The avoidance symptoms, in particular, can be isolating and lonely as they cause an individual to evade people or situations that remind them of their traumatic experience. This approach is self-defeating because it prevents a person from getting help, pushing their recovery further and further out of reach. Failing to treat this condition effectively and promptly can lead to additional mental health complications. Anxiety disorders, depression, and substance abuse often develop alongside PTSD, making treatment and recovery more difficult. Getting treated for a dual diagnosis may be necessary to effectively treat co-occurring disorders. Seeking help for PTSD is also important to prevent the following long-term health and social problems from developing:

  • Chronic pain
  • Social isolation
  • Eating disorders
  • Weakening immune system
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Declining physical health
  • Problems in close personal relationships
  • Loss of ability to function in social or occupational environments

Casa Recovery has a trauma-informed treatment program that can help you confront your fears and overcome the past.

Start with Healing

Recover Your Life

Our helpful staff cares and wants to make sure you heal from your mental health issue or dual-diagnosis issue in the healthiest way possible. Contact us today to start your recovery process and get back to your life.

How Casa Recovery Treats PTSD

In addition to being treated within the framework of trauma-informed care, clients have access to different therapeutic modalities <link to therapeutic modalities page> that are beneficial for treating trauma. Utilizing varying treatment methods including individual and small group therapy are often necessary so clients can figure out what works best for their individual needs. Using only one modality may not be helpful or effective in treating all aspects of a condition that can have many dimensions. Medication and psychotherapies are two general options for treating PTSD and are often used in combination or on their own.  Therapies suitable for clients with PTSD include:

  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) is used to help clients change negative thought and behavioral patterns by identifying core problems and their potential causes. CBT teaches clients skills and coping techniques to manage harmful thoughts and behaviors.
  • Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) prompts clients to recall possibly distressing memories while following hand movements to promote rapid eye movement. This therapy is theorized to stimulate the brain’s ability to reprocess memory, allowing the client to uncover patterns in their behaviors.
  • Somatic Therapy & Somatic Experiencing™ is a holistic therapy in which clients receive psychoeducation, practice mindfulness, and learn to connect to their bodily experiences to promote healing at a somatic level.

Holistic therapies, such as mindfulness, mediation, yoga, and art and music therapy, can also be used to support the recovery process. Casa Recovery is a mental health and addiction treatment center located in San Juan Capistrano, CA. We take a trauma-informed approach to treating our clients, meaning that making sure you feel safe and comfortable in our healing environment is at a top concern. It is time to start living your best life, free of triggers and unwanted pain and suffering. Please call us today at (866) 932-3102.


Our Care Team is Ready to Answer Any Questions.

Casa Recovery offers a wide range of treatment options for those struggling with mental health and co-occurring issues. We are here for you and ready to assist in any way we can. Contact us right now to get the help you deserve from a group of people who care.