One type of medication used to treat emotional symptoms of mental illnesses like panic disorder and anxiety are categorized as depressants. This is a type of drug that aims to lessen the symptoms of mental illness. They work by altering the brain’s chemistry to slow down neuro function which leaves the person feeling drowsy and calm and subsequently alleviates their symptoms. In this article, we explore the effects of misusing and abusing depressants for a period of time and the risks an individual faces.
People are usually prescribed depressants for long-term mental illnesses and this often presents a problem. Because of the way depressants work, the body is quick to develop a tolerance to their effects. This means that it doesn’t take long before a person becomes physically dependent on the meds and if they are required to use them for some time, they can easily become addicted.
There are different types of depressants although the most commonly known are the following:
- Benzodiazepines
- Alcohol
- Marijuana
- Opioids and opiates (heroin)
- Barbiturates
Each one of the above substances are depressants that can result in being abused. In some cases, people start using them to reduce symptoms of a mental illness like depression which has a counteractive effect. Others develop symptoms of mental illnesses when they abuse depressants for a prolonged period of time.
The long-term medical effects prolonged depressant abuse can cause include the following:
- Acute depression
- Sexual health problems
- Chronic fatigue
- Respiratory problems
- Physical dependence
- Addiction
- Coma
- Sedation
- Fatal overdose
Although addiction to depressants is a challenging illness to overcome, there are numerous paths to recovery. Casa Recovery offers personalized treatment programs from beautiful facilities set in tranquil surroundings. Despite the complexities of depressant abuse, it is essential that each patient entering our center is fully assessed and evaluated to determine their set of unique treatment needs. A personalized rehab program has been shown to reduce the effects of long-term depressant addiction to allow people to enjoy a fulfilling life in recovery. Take the first step today and reach out to Casa Recovery for drug addiction treatment in San Juan Capistrano.