Studies have shown that between 40-60% of recovering addicts relapse at some point in their journey to sobriety. Relapse refers to the returning symptoms and signs of a disease that occur after apparent recovery. For recovering addicts, it is not uncommon for relapse to occur during the early stages of sobriety. However, this can be prevented by attending relapse prevention workshops, and by learning how to identify triggers and teaching yourself to avoid their trap. Triggers are vastly different for every person- while some triggers might just create an urge to use again, some have the power to completely overthrow the Sobriety you’ve worked so hard for. While relapse and slips do occur, they don’t necessarily have to trigger another round of full blown addiction. In fact, it can be seen as a gauge to adjust methods and techniques in order to maintain sobriety. Some tips on how to work through and past relapse are:
– Recognize and understand your triggers- whether emotional, physical, or psychological, recognizing the triggers means you are able to avoid them.
– Create a strong support system- whether that’s family, friends, doctors, or a mix of three, a strong support system can help you work through your triggers by giving you an outside perspective.
– Stay rooted in your sobriety- Set up reminders all around your house/work/school/etc. that remind you of the good you have created and could lose with a relapse. These positives will hopefully outweigh the negatives.
Here at Casa Recovery, our helpful and knowledgeable staff want to assist you in recognizing your triggers and working through them so your life of Sobriety can stay your life of Sobriety. Contact us here in San Juan Capistrano, CA to begin. We offer comprehensive alcohol and drug rehab treatment, and offer many different plans and options to fit with the type of life you are looking to lead. Contact us today to learn more!
Next: Beliefs and Behaviors